

Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How do we visualize data on COSMOS?

  • What kind of data analysis COSMOS provides?

  • Understanding visualization process on COSMOS.

  • Understanding types of data analysis options with COSMOS.


1. Visualize the Data Collection

Once enough data has been collected or imported using COSMOS, it is time to visualize data to obtain the details and information we are looking for. To start visualization:

  1. Drag and drop the data collection to the workspace
  2. Once you drag and drop the data collection to the workspace, table view opens automatically. This view provides a quick overview of dataset details for both Twitter entities and the ones identified by COSMOS such as ‘gender’.

Table view

2. Multiple Visualization Views

There are 10 visualization options in COSMOS. When you click the little arrow on the Table button (top of the right-hand side of the page), it shows all options (List, Table, Text, Word Cloud, Frequency, Network, Map, Pie Chart, Line Chart)

If you want to visualize the same data collection using more than one option:

If you prefer to visualize different datasets, you need to create a new workspace by clicking the plus button near the workspace tab on the top of the page. Once you created a new workspace, the visualization steps will be the same.

a) List

For the list view, you can create a list selecting type of meta data. To do that, click the 3 dots in the top of the right-hand corner and choose the Settings. Then, choose one of the option you need from the drop-down menu. See the illustration below:

List view

b) Text

Text view just demonstrates the text version of the metadata. Text view

c) Word Cloud

For the word cloud view you can;

d) Frequency

There is a separate lesson for frequency view. (See lesson 6)

e) Network

There is a separate lesson for frequency view. (See lesson 6)

f) Map

Tweet geospatial metadata has been used to create the map view. COSMOS visualizes geographic data points on the map based on tweet location (if it is specified by the user). The map view can be used to identify hotspots of tweets within the collection. You benefit from this view to monitor and map the spread of social movements such as specific events, occasions, disease outbreaks, etc.

For the map view you can;

g) Pie Chart

For the pie chart view you can;

i) Line Chart

For the line chart view you can;

You can also watch youtube video clicking the image below for all data visualization process with COSMOS.


  1. Create a pie chart representing negative sentiments. Then, create and name a subset data set for the group of tweets that has a sentiment score is ‘-3’.
  2. Visualize your data collection using the Word Cloud view showing up to 50 words. Then, create and name a subset including one of the most used words in Twitter text.
  3. Create a multi-line chart representing positive sentiment and negative sentiment.

3. Drilling down into data

COSMOS provides many ways to create and visualize subsets regarding research needs.

1. Query

After enough data has been collected, clicking the three dots on the show panel you can filter data collection based on tweets sentiment, date, gender, language and country. Parse Options

2. Create a subset from the collection

While the collection continues, clicking the three dots on the show panel, Snapshot the collection to create a subset data which has been collected until the snapshot.

Parse Options

3. Create a subset from the visualizations

After creating and naming a subset from any visualization view, you can apply the same visualization steps to the subset data you recently created. It allows examining and comparing the data in details. See the video tutorial for this lesson below:

More on Visualizations

Once you create more than one visualization, selecting data in one view highlights the same data for other views.

For example;

let’s say we created one table view and on pie chart view. When we click on one of the pie chart slices (female one), it highlights female tweets on the Table view. Selected data


If it takes too long to create one of the visualization views:

  • Click on the menu icon on the right top corner of the page and select Reset Interface.
  • Then, try to create the graph again. Reset interface

You can also watch youtube video clicking the image below for all data analysing process with COSMOS.


  1. Collect 100,000 tweets with the keywords covid, covid19, coronavirus.
  2. Create a subset for tweets posted from Europe using one of the visualisation methods and call it Europe.
  3. Create another subset from Europe for tweets posted by female users and call it female.

Key Points

  • COSMOS provides ways to demonstrate and analyse Twitter data.